Unexpected Inspiration Sources

Sometimes design inspiration can come from the most unlikely places. Here are a few things that have impacted my design work either directly or helped by shaking loose an unrelated idea.

​Vintage Radio Dials

These dials are both infographics and interfaces from another era.

Via John Grimwade

Dieter Rams & Braun

Obviously Dieter Rams is a legend. His design principles are scripture for people like Jony Ive, in fact some designers have suggested the influence of Rams in several key Apple products, including the revolutionary original iPod.

Nomos Ahoi Atlantic

I am a bit of a watch addict (I have somewhere around 20). Every watch collector has their eye on that one watch that is perfect for them. That watch, for me, is the Nomos Ahoi Atlantic. If I had an extra $4,060 dollars lying around somewhere, it would definitely be the first thing I would buy.

What I find most interesting about design inspiration is that it can be found in the balance of a shape, the weight of a line stroke, the way two colors play off of each other, or even the level of craftsmanship involved in creating an object.

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